For the Heart - Verbally express your love to your child, rock you little ones back and forth, play calming music, put lavender oil in the diffusor or add into play dough for some calm play. Sing songs of kindness and Love, songs with positive and uplifting words that makes you feel happy.
Fine motor- Use droppers, tongs, chopsticks, spoons to have your child transfer 10 objects from one container to another. This will strengthen their fingers and wrist muscles needed for pre-writing. Have your child draw a picture of what it means to be kind. Stay as unconditional as you can when they express themselves. Create a drawing with your child of something silly or of their interest and color together.
Grossmotor- Have family dance parties, frog hops and crab walk around the house(making it safe of course), run in place, walking s l o w l y as sloths or jackson chameleons. Dig in the dirt, plant some new crops, new trees. When the child starts to walk on their tippy toes, tip toe with them, go into their world. If they are overstimulated and walking on their tiptoes give the child heavy lifting work to do or provide deep pressure in the form of gentle massage on their arms.
Life skills- Keep an organized area of play, less is more. In a non-judgemental tone have them eat over their plates, clean up their crumbs after meals and sponge their area. Welcome the crumbs, its an opportunity for them to learn and practice taking care of themselves and one another. Re-teach the washing hands routine and sing to different songs while scrubbing.
Communication- Give your child at least 10 seconds of processing time when you are request something of them. Request a 3 step directions so that it is manageable for their brains, for example: 1.Go to the living room, 2.grab your red truck and 3.bring to your room. Observe your tone and words, if you feel impatient from cabin fever or stress go to the bathroom and take some deep breaths. Give your child boundaries by giving them reminders for transitions saying "In 5 minute were going to eat dinner, clean up, take a shower or whatever task you need. Most importantly is to follow through so the child understands the importance of starting something, finishing it and to learn the value of being present and how to listen to others. Go down to their level, observe their eyes to see if they seem lost or if they understand and are processing what you have expressed. Loving and calming repeat directions a second time if needed. They are learning and learn best when they feel calmness around them.
Spirit- The child is a sensitive and pure being, they are empathic to what is around them. If you feel stress they will too. What ever you believe that brings you positive upliftment continue to do, pray, chant and or go into nature, sit by a tree, breathe deeply. Days will go by and your children will grow remember these sacred and precious moments.
Continue to follow your intuition and if you would like to join me, light a candle together and offer it for your family's and the world's peace.Aloha to all Vanessa Valencia M.A.T. peace educator