"May the tree of our life be firmly rooted in the soil of love, let good deeds be the leaves on that tree. May words of kindness form its flowers and may peace be its fruits."
-Amma(Mata Amritanandamayi)
Happy Earth Day everyone, we want to thank everyone today and also all the children and parents who make everyday earth day.Your efforts in taking caring and restore our precious earth is important. We love you and keep up the good work. Love, Mamma's Planet Earth
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Its April, month of the young child! It is a time when individals and communities come together to recognize the needs and the rights of young children. Here I am with Jubilee(left), Hawana(right) and Mayor Alan Arakawa planting pinwheels in honor of "Prevent Child Abuse Month". Let's keep our awareness up respecting all the children who will take care of our future.
AuthorVanessa Valencia is a children’s educator, Reiki practitioner, and author. Her international travels have expanded her heart to serve humanity through communicating messages of love and unity. She has turned her love for children and nature into her first book, Mamma’s Planet Earth. She currently resides with her partner on Maui. Archives
March 2020
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